Sen. Kerry if you want to stop the killings and kidnappings going on, beef up security on the border! Stop the flow of illegals into this country and the cartels will have a harder time extending their base.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sen. Kerry misses the mark
Sen. Kerry
Monday, March 30, 2009
How did you celebrate earth hour?
Now lets see how the two biggest environmental preachers celebrated earth hour. First up Leonardo DiCaprio. He spent his hour at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice awards. The producer of the fear inspired 11th hour was there to accept the first ever Big Green Help award. Now I admit I didn't watch, so maybe they used candles for lighting. Maybe he walked to the theater instead of using that evil gas guzzler limo he usually does. However I doubt that he did. So on earth hour he was a part of something that uses more power in 1 hour than most small towns! I won't even mention all the after show parties with their disposable plates and utensils. So I guess Leo voted "NO" to the earth.
Now lets take a stroll to Tennessee to see how Al Gore(Mr. Internet) voted. According to Drew Johnson, the president of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research he voted "NO" as well. According to Drew's blog:
"I pulled up to Al's house, located in the posh Belle Meade section of Nashville, at 8:48 p.m. – right in the middle of Earth Hour. I found that the main spotlights that usually illuminate his 9,000 square foot mansion were dark, but several of the lights inside the house were on. The kicker, though, were the dozen or so floodlights grandly highlighting several trees and illuminating the driveway entrance of Gore’s mansion. I [kid] you not, my friends, the savior of the environment couldn’t be bothered to turn off the gaudy lights that show off his goofy trees."Maybe next year they'll rent their movies and get "scared" into voting. As for me, I spent my hour with every light on in my house, and the refrigerator door open for an hour. Maybe I have more in common with Leo and Al than I thought.
Al Gore,
Earth hour,
Leonardo Dicapprio
Friday, March 20, 2009
Obama's brown shirts
"we have to have a civilian national security force that's just as big, just as powerful, just as well funded as our military"This "Give Act" would be operated by Michelle Obama, who until her husband ran for president was ashamed of America. When Obama first talked about his civilian force, he wanted people to volunteer starting in elementary school. People started to object to this, so his website changed it to secondary school. This "volunteer" force would be required to wear uniforms, and would be trained on campus(originally called camp, it was later changed to campus). Is it me or does this sound a lot like the "Hitler Youth" and the "brown shirts". Just another way to put down opposition and indoctrinate our youth. Why doesnt' the media report on this? If you elimate the mandated volunteer wording, you still have the fact he wants to spend as much in this as we do on the military!
brown shirt,
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
LCB teaches manners?
"the courtesy training is important so that customers will stop thinking about the stores as a government monopoly"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT IS!!! If you want us to not think that way, abolish the state store system!
Wouldn't it be easier to send a memo to the managers. Telling them to make sure the clerks are courteous, or better yet firing someone who's crabby, instead of spending our money?! All this while our state government is telling us its in a budget crisis! It's no wonder I drink!
state store
Hypocrisy they name is Dodd!
So yesterday I posted how Obama and his flunkies are upset that AIG gave bonuses to some of its employees with the money they gave them. Now they were obligated by contract to pay these bonuses. Sen. Dodd (D-CT) has came up with a brilliant idea, TAX the bonuses so they can get the money back! Here's the thing Sen. Dodd put in an amendment in the stimulus bill to allow bonuses to go to contracted employees! Oh and by the way guess who gave more money to Dodd's "war chest"....that's right AIG! Guess you get what you pay for!
Chris Dodd,
Monday, March 16, 2009
Everything I learned about money, I learned from my Dad

My father was not a captain of industry. He was just a mechanic that owned his own service station. Even though he only had a high school education he is still one of the smartest people I know. I still go to him for advice. When it comes to money he gave me some great advice about loaning money to friends. He taught me to never give money if you expect to get it back from a friend. The second thing was if you give money to a friend you can not tell them how to spend it. This after I gave money to a down and out friend who went to Vegas! He said "You should have known your friend would have done that!" Apparently Obama and congress never had a father with wisdom! Currently they are scolding AIG for using the bailout money for bonuses. They really want America to look at business as the "boogeyman". Hands down one of the greatest quotes comes from the link below:
Rep. Barney Frank, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, earlier Monday charged that the move to pay bonuses amounted to "rewarding incompetence."Mr. Frank the pot called, and apparently you're black!
Barney Frank,
Saturday, March 14, 2009
recycling police

global warming,
Giving the finger(print that is)

Friday, March 13, 2009
Why should kids go to college?

hope you like eating rice

Check out this link below. China, who has been buying our debt for years, is getting worried about being paid back. When they decide they have enough and cash in their chips, we'll all be eating rice and reading Mao's little red book! Looks like a great time to go back to the gold standard.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Judges know better than you!

I saw an article on World Net Daily that got my blood boiling. Once again Judges are making up their own laws! Judge Ned Mangum of Wake County North Carolina, is forcing a mother to send her kids to public school. She had been homeschooling them, and they test out 2 grades higher than their current grade. This all started from a divorce hearing. The husband does not want to pay for homeschooling costs anymore! The judges "official" reason was that even though they are doing great homeschooling, a public education would complement their education. Funny isn't that what people have been saying about teaching intelligent design along side evolution?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hey someone gets it!

Below is Ron Paul, the man that should have been president! Listen to what he has to say. Also notice how when they throw it back to the studio its just dismissed.
ron paul
Wikipedia censorship?

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We will not be driven by
fear into an age of unreason if we remember that we are not descended
from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to
associate and to defend causes which were, for the moment, unpopular."-Edward R. Murrow
I was shocked to read that the free encyclopedia Wikipedia is erasing anything bad about Obama. For instance there is some questions about his birthplace. He hasn't been all that forthcoming about his birth certificate. There are those that believe his presidency is invalid since he may have been born outside of the country. This is not stated. His friendship with hate monger the Rev. Wright, and terrorist Bill Ayers are not mentioned. In fact people that have tried to add these FACTS are banned and their edits erased! Now if you go and wiki George Bush you'll see that everything is in there. Good, bad, or indifferent(the way it should be). I mean they even refer to his Bushisms! This love affair with Obama is sickening. There should be no reason that we shouldn't be questioning him! For more about this check out the link below.
"On the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863, 70 year old John Burns took up his flintlock musket and powder horn and walked out to the scene of the fighting that morning. He encountered a wounded Union soldier and asked if he could use his more modern rifle; the soldier agreed and Burns moved on with the rifle and with cartridges in his pocket".-Wikipedia
I was born and raised in Gettysburg Pa, about a mile from where John Burns defended his home, town, and country from advancing rebel troops. I remember learning about John Burns back in elementary school and was fascinated by the story. Here's an old man who should have fled the area(as most citizens did). I doubt anyone would have blamed him. Instead he picked up his old rifle and hurried to help. He was shot 4 times and left behind as the Union troops fell back into the town. He survived and became a local hero. So now I ask you do you have the courage to "grab arms" and face your foe head on?
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