Thursday, March 18, 2010

A few question Mr. President

In honor of President Obama finally taking tough questions from Fox News Bret Baier, I thought I'd come up with some questions I'd like him to answer.

1a. Mr. President you have stated through yourself and your subordinates that you are not a socialist. How do you explain surrounding yourself with devote socialist and out right communists in your White House?

1b. A follow up question, if you didn't know they are socialist than would you please tell people not to call you "the smartest President we've ever had"?

2. Mr. President how do you explain that the same things you advocate(i.e. universal health care, government takeover of banks, businesses, etc) are the same things the Socialist Party of America wants? Is this just a coincidence? Here's a link to back up what I've just asked.
A Bill of rights for Workers

3. Mr. President why is there a provision for the federal government to take over financial aid in this health bill? Also once you get control of this does this mean you(or some Czar) decide what colleges get money? Will students going to religious schools be able to get financial aid, or will you say "separation of church and state"? Will all the financial aid go to students that take a major you like, i.e. environmental science, community planning, etc?

4. Mr. President as a former constitutional professor could you explain where in the constitution it allows the federal government to mandate the people must buy something? Also could you explain how the government can decide what is a right? Didn't our founding fathers feel that rights were given by God(or Creator) and enforced by government?

5. Finally Mr. President you said repeatedly on the campaign trail that you wanted to change Washington. Mr. President isn't arm twisting and bribing congressmen the same thing that's been in Washington since the boundary markers were laid in 1791? Or is this a new type of corruption brought from Chicago?

To read the transcript of the Fox interview check out the link below. Meanwhile I'll wait patiently for a response.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Definition of insanity

Obama has been trying to get Americans to buy into his Obamacare. That only by forcing people to buy into his plan, we can have lower costs and less of a deficit. Yet he's never talked about how states have already tried this, and failed.
Massachusetts has had public health care since 2006 and it is a dismal failure. The National Academy of Science has five key areas for health care reform. The coverage should be: universal, not tied to a job, affordable for single and families, affordable for society, and provide high-quality care for everyone. Massachusetts has failed on every single one.
The people have figured out that its cheaper to just pay a fine instead of paying for health care. Yet if they get sick they can still go to the doctor and get free care, with the cost going back to the tax payers. Oh and if it turns out they have a serious medical condition(cancer, diabetes, etc) and decide to buy insurance, the insurance company can't deny them coverage. This, of course raises premiums for everyone.

Businesses too have figured out that its cheaper to pay fines then to pay for health care. As profit margins shrink, this is an expense that is easily cut.

Its not affordable for singles or families. The majority of families fall threw the cracks for state subsidies and can hardly afford skimpy coverage. An individual making around 30k will pay over 9k a year in co-pays and premiums for a "plain jane" plan.

The cost on the state has been..well I don't think an adjective has been thought up for it. In 2007 it cost the state 630 million, two years later it now costs 1.3 billion. Its projected to cost as much as $123 billion in 2020 increasing 8% faster than the states GDP.

Because of forcing people to get health care(whether privately or through the state) there are not enough doctors for the patients. One health center has a waiting list of over 1600 people. Not to mention primary care doctors are leaving the state or the job because of money. They make far less from insurance companies and Medicare than a specialist. New medical students are deciding to follow a specialist track instead of a primary care one. Primary doctors are only being paid for the first 15 minutes of treatment. Therefore the majority of people have to go to the ER, adding time and costs.

So how does Massachusetts solve these problems? They cut coverage to 30,000 legal(not Illegal) immigrants and raised taxes.
Massachusetts isn't the first state to try this. In the 90's Tennessee tried this same thing with TennCare. The result was exactly the same. 94% of the state had some sort of health care, and then when faced with bankruptcy kicked over 170,000 people off of TennCare.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If that's the case D.C. must be one big insane asylum.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of Obama

It's about an hour until the anointed one takes the podium at Constitution Ave(irony) I decided to break out my crystal ball and predict what will be said and what will happen.

1. First off, he will be late by 10-15 minutes. Its an old trick speakers use to get people excited. And now with Plouffe back in the picture, you can guarantee we'll see campaign mode Obama. In fact if he could get away with it, he'd show up without a jacket, tie, and have his sleeves rolled up to prove he's just a regular Joe six-pack.

2. He will blame Bush, I mean the past administration. This is just easy money.

3. Banks/Wall Street. This is the newest group in his cross hairs. Remember when it was doctors, the chamber of commerce, insurance fox news, talk radio and of course the tea party protesters. Now he'll go after the people that invest in America. The people that give credit lines to small businesses.

4. He will use the terms "let me be clear" and "its just not me saying this". Again he does this so much that back in college we'd take a shot every time he says it.

5. Obamacare. Massachusetts and every poll available means nothing to him. They have invested too much to stop now. They see the top of the mountain of socialism and how dare the idiot masses tell him they don't want something!

6. Spending freeze. See he's as conservative as Goldwater! Except for the fact that the freeze doesn't take into account his health care proposal. Plus it doesn't start for a year. Oh and anything else he wants shouldn't be effected.

7. Haiti. I would like to see if he acknowledges that people in this country(you know the one his wife is ashamed of)opened up their wallets before he or Hollywood even asked. I doubt it though. This would be a great time for him to talk about amnesty. This is another big thing he and Dems want done. They realize that they need more votes(after Mass)and Mickey Mouse can only vote so many times!

8. Green jobs. Here's another great one he keeps beating like a rented mule. All these great green jobs that we have to subside. Funny...all the jobs that aren't green start without gov't help and most do just fine. Heck the bane of environmentalists, the car, changed the way we live and work without a government hand out.

9. Education. He'll have you believe our kids are below Haiti when it comes to education. Of course the only way to change this is throw more money at it. No need to attack the real problems of top heavy administrations, teachers unions, and teaching how great it is to be gay(instead of focusing on teaching what kids need to learn).

10. Middle Class. He's gonna help out by giving more tax credits for child care and elder care. Ever notice how every time a lib wants to give a tax break you have to do something to get your own money? Wouldn't it make more sense to say everyone gets x% of money?

Here is a partial list of the people invited by Obama to be his guest tonight. A soldier , a student, the Haitian ambassador, a college student studying to be a teacher, a Philly grocer, and an Arizona businessman that received 99 million in stimulus money. With that he created 50 jobs in the green sector. So it costs 99 million for 50 jobs? That's about 1.9 million a job! Maybe he should be going after green bosses instead of bankers!

The one thing that is for sure, I doubt this speech will make the Queens ipod.