Barrack Obama is currently on his 09' European tour(t-shirts will be available at all concession stands) and so far isn't acting like much of a President. He has given the Queen of England an Ipod(which surprisingly she already has one) filled with Broadway show tunes and his speeches. He has bowed to the Saudi king(breaking protocol) as the King extended his hand. And now he had a town hall meeting in France! Apparently we really want Europe to love us! He wants to "listen" to Europe to see what they have to say. So at the town meeting, after giving a 25 minute speech(via teleprompter) he took questions....5 to be exact. Of the five, two Americans, two Germans, and a Hungarian. Not one French person! However these questions were very topical and provocative. Among the question were: "Is the family dog in the white house", "Do you regret running for President", and "Did you know your name in Hungarian means peach". Riveting stuff for sure, and definitely not shills.
The more important thing here is that our President in the midst of what he calls "the worst economy of our times" is out vacationing in Europe! How is this different than the CEO's that go to Vegas after asking for bailout money? As for his listening tour, why does he want to listen to Europe on anything? They didn't, and can't vote for you! Why not listen to the Americans who are shouting(not just saying) "YOU CAN'T SPEND YOUR WAY OUT OF DEBT!" or "SOCIALIZING HEALTH CARE WILL NOT CREATE JOBS"
And on a final note would someone teach Obama how to give a gift! He's given a DVD collection to Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is not a film buff(not to mention it was region 1 when Europe is region 2), and an Ipod to the Queen. You give a gift based on what the other person likes, not on what you like or think they should like. This lesson could also be applied to running the country!
So the French socialists love our budding American socialist. Who would have seen that one coming?
ReplyDeletePrivate message to the editor of this blog. Nice. Very nice. I will be passing your URL on to people I know. The issue of the woman from Nicaragua is what brought me to your site as I had intended to write a similar article and post it on Newsvine, just as a little educational piece for the liberals who infest that site. I am still going to do that, but will give the readers your URL. The only sources out there for that story are World Daily Net, which many people will not even go to, even when it has good information. MSM has completely overlooked what you are pointing out.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the comments. Hopefully if enough people get involved in this, she will not be deported.