Yesterday Norm Coleman conceded the election in Minnesota. After 8 months of recounts, and court room drama, Al
Franken is now the junior
senator of Minnesota! This means that King Obama now has complete control of both houses of Congress. With the cap and trade bill coming up in the Senate in a couple weeks, there is a better than good chance that the capitalist system we have all enjoyed all our lives will be gone overnight. We will be paying anywhere from 100-300% more in
utilities. Not to mention prices for everything else will rise to help companies pay for the strangling yoke of cap and trade. Fraud will run rampant, as the government will decide who gets the "coupons". Fake businesses will pop up selling their "coupons" to other business that are in need of them or face fines from Uncle Sam. Other companies will realize its easier to just move outside the United States to escape restrictive government in the private sector. Smaller business that don't have this option will be forced to close. Either way millions will be out of jobs. All of this(and more) just for some
pseudo-science that is global warming.
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