For the sake of this argument I will forgo the usual. I won't harp on the fact we'll be spending more money we don't have. I won't talk about how it will put citizen in front of a comparative effectiveness research panels(or in layman's terms death panels). I won't even talk about how it will overload the system, because we don't have enough doctors(or people wanting to become doctors). What I want to talk about is something many people don't realize. That is the government will be deciding on what is good for you.
They are already toying with an idea to tax the 1/3 of Americans that are obese. It won't stop there. They will also tax the 25% of Americans that smoke. Most alarming of all they will tax any American that owns a gun. All of this is because its bad for you to be overweight, smoke, and own a gun. God help the man that does all three! Now with anything the government touches it won't stop there. Soon you will be taxed if you own a car(carbon emissions), motorcycle(their death traps don't you know), eat bacon(artery clogger), or drink beer(kills your liver). This will be a great money maker for D.C. Just think of the possibilities. Plus the added benefit of dividing the nation more. The Department of Health can get a bigger budget by finding more things that are bad for us. On the other side food companies can lobby D.C. with big bucks to make sure that their product doesn't end up in THE BOOK OF THE DAMNED. D.C. will feel they need to do this, because we're too stupid to know whats good for us.
Like everything Democrats do its filled with hypocrisy. They are the party of pro-choice, but only if its their choice. All of this for the greater good!