Yesterday when I woke up to the news Obama won the Nobel peace prize I thought "What?!" then thought "How long was I asleep?!" I couldn't believe a man who hasn't accomplished anything other than divide a nation could win a prestigious prize. Then as I looked up past winners I realized how ridiculous the prize is. Yes they gave medals to Martin Luther King Jr., Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Lech Walesa and Mother Teresa. All of these people are deserving of this as they actually worked for peace their whole life. However lets look at others that won it: Arafat, for his middle east peace effort...huh?, Gorbachev, for ending the cold war(take that Reagan!), Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter(both make Jews squeamish)and of course Al Gore(for inventing global warming). Looks like he's in good company.
I think I should have won. I've done about the same as Obama in the efforts towards world peace. Plus I've never met a terrorist(Ayers) or a communist(just about everyone else he knows). This alone should have vaulted me past Obama!
So kudos to you Nobel prize committee for giving a ego maniac an award for something he hasn't done. Maybe next week you can give a match and a gas can to an arsonist and go for the hat trick!
BREAKING NEWS: Obama's acceptance speech has been awarded the Nobel prize in literature!
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