Friday, April 17, 2009

Tea Party round up

By now you have probably heard that Obama's homeland security department sees you as a threat.  Basically if you vote republican, served your country, feel that illegal immigration is just that ILLEGAL, and have a moral opposition to abortion you will become a terrorist.  I know that may shock you.  Most of you probably don't think you have enough time to plan let alone execute an attack on the country you love!  So if you went to a tea party and wondered "who's that guy in the suit with sunglasses, and why is he talking into his cuff link?" don't worry....its just Homeland Security making sure you weren't buying a copy of the anarchist's cookbook.  
It's bad enough that the Obama administration thinks this, but now Janeane Garofalo is sounding off.  In case you don't know who she is she's a b-lister that is now on 24.  She was on MSNBC's "The Countdown with Keith Olbermann" in which she said:
"Let's be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It's not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don't know their history at all. It's about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that."
Since Ms. Garofalo is a fan of history, here's a quick history of the word redneck.  The first time it was used in print was as an adjective during the Battle of Blair Mountain.  You see when the pro-union miners marched on the mine they wore red handkerchiefs around their neck.  That way their union brother's would realize who they were, and aim their guns elsewhere.  That's right rednecks were pro-union democrats.   Oh and p.s. Janeane a little more history...conservatives make a majority of the viewers of 24.  So if you want to give back your "dirty money" I'll understand.
Anyway as a person that was at a tea party I didn't notice the Klan, or Nazi's.  I didn't see anyone burn Obama in effigy, nobody was goose-stepping up the street.  What I saw was 2500 people that believe that bailing out companies and mortgages are wrong.  People that feel that our government is becoming a bloated monster that is getting involved in areas it should never be.  I also so people that feel that the constitution should be the law of the land, not any person or group of people.  I saw people that feel that our government is giving up this nation's sovereignty to the U.N.  I saw people that feel if the government would step back we can fix all our own problems.  I saw people that know that this stimulus package will put our children and grandchildren in the chains of debt. 
So if it makes liberals sleep better at night to label me a threat, or a racist...then go ahead.  I know who I am and what I believe.  If anyone gets a liberal in secret Santa, don't buy them a label maker, apparently they already have one!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tea Party 2009

Tomorrow is the nationwide tax day.  I'll be heading to Harrisburg, Pa(my capital) to join in the protest.  It will be a soggy day, but I hope that won't deter anyone from going out.  For those of you going to a "tea party" if I may give some advice.
1. Do not make this a Republicans against Obama rally.
   This is counterproductive.  The media wants to hear us scream about Obama, makes a good sound byte.  They are trying to tell people that this is because we're upset "our guy" didn't win.  This has to be because Washington isn't being a good steward to the money we let them use.  Replace the word "Democrats" with "Washington"
2. Do not identify yourself as a Republican!
Again this goes back to number 1.  They want the people watching at home to think this is all sour grapes after losing in November.  Instead identify yourself as a conservative. Be sure to mention you're upset at all parties for spending like drunken idiots. 
3. Stay on the message of taxes and bailouts!
This is not the time to spout off about how you think Obama is going to take away your guns, create a new world order or that he hasn't proved that he's a U.S. citizen.  This is not the purpose of the tea party.  There will be time to address these issues later.  For this to be a productive protest you need to win the minds and hearts of Joe Six pack watching at home.  As near as I can tell no one likes taxes!
4. Puff your numbers up! 
This is an old protesters trick.  For instance, if you only have 20 people and they ask how many are there say "We are proud to have close to 100 people out today, not to mention the 100's more stopping by in support of this".  I realize this may create a moral dilemma for some.  So in that case mention that you are only a small part of a movement that is over 6000 city strong.
5. Smile and be polite!
This is the most important thing.  If you are screaming, yelling, and looking ticked off you will come across as a wack-job!  Think about when you see some liberal protesting acting like this...what do you think of them?  If someone is trying to "get your goat" come back at them with kindness.  Don't be surprised if this happens.  ACORN  and Huffington Post have already said there will be counter protests and citizen journalists at the rallies.  
6. Follow up afterwards!
Write a letter to your local paper mentioning how much of a success this was.  Talk about how you sent a message to Washington that they have to be better stewards of our money.  Talk to your neighbors and colleagues about the rally.  Keep the buzz going about this.  Tell them about future protests if there are any in your area.
7. Check your spelling!
This is one of the most important things.  Nothing can ruin a protest like some idiot that can't spell.  This will be the one thing that the media zooms in on!  So when you make your signs, t-shirts, etc. check it and have someone else look as well.  Also take some time on your signs, don't make it look like a 3rd grader with a crayon did it!

Finally remember that protests and rallies are new things to conservatives.  Liberals have been doing the whole grassroots thing for over 40 years now, this is their bread and butter! 

Giving props

I just want to give Obama his props for having the courage to take care of the Somali pirates that were holding an American merchant captain hostage.  To be honest I really didn't think he'd give the red light to the Navy Seals.  I only hope he can use this new found chutzpah towards Kim Jon Il.  As we speak he has thrown out the U.N. nuclear monitors as it revamps its attempt to become a nuclear superpower. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Let the Obamagic envelop you!

I'm sure by now you have seen the video where our president is bowing to the Saudi king.  This was a big deal, as protocol says that a sitting president should never bow to a foreign dignitary.  The reason being, as a fellow blogger reported:
"Our ancestors believed that all men are created equal and did not bow to kings out of dedication to that principle. They understood that bowing was a societal gesture designed to acknowledge and highlight the fundamental inequality between different men in a social hierarchy"
What is interesting in the bow, is how far he bows.  You see the farther you bow the more you are submitting to the other person.  Back in the day people carried swords, so when you bowed and showed your full neck you were saying "I know I'm not worthy.  I only hope in your infinite mercy don't cut my head off".  If you notice he bows so far he actually has to bend a knee.  If more amazing is that the Saudi king has his hand out awaiting a handshake!  Even he knows protocol!  
Now here's the real puzzler...the white house is denying that he bowed.  According to an anonymous white house aide:
"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah,"
Really?  Then why later on does he only shake hands of a leader who is the same height as the king?  More importantly why even try to cover this up?  With the fact that you are destroying the foundation of America taking away rights, and capitalism altogether...why not save your lies for more important things?

The bow comes at the 50 second mark, the handshake around the 1:45 mark

Monday, April 6, 2009

Two tales of political asylum

Today I will discuss two tales of political asylum.  But first a definition of what political asylum is and who can apply for it.  This comes from

"Political asylum is available to people already in the United States who fear returning to their home country due to actual persecution or have a well-founded fear of actual persecution because of: race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion."
So now that you know the definition, lets discuss the cases of two women that are seeking political asylum.  One women is from a country in Africa, the other is from Nicaragua.  The African came to America, asked for political asylum and when denied in 2004, stayed in America even living in public housing.  The Nicaraguan fled her country last year after being beaten by sticks, shot at, and nearly raped and murdered.  The Africans relatives are actually in government back in Africa, her tribe is the ruling party.  The Nicaraguan is pretty much doing this all on her own(although if enough people find out about this she'll probably have a good lawyer), the other has one of the top immigration lawyers representing her.  Both should be open and shut cases: one is an obvious political asylee, the other not.  The Nicaraguan was denied political asylum status, the African had her deportation reversed and can now stay for a year until it all gets cleared up!  So what is the difference?  The African is Obama's aunt!  Now I'm not going to suggest that our President had anything to do with the fact his aunt is doing an end around on immigration laws.  I'll not even suggest that the fact that a woman who is living in public housing suddenly has a great team of lawyers is suspect.  I'll let you come to your own conclusions.  
Let me give you a little background on our Nicaraguan.  Her name is Auxiliadora Martinez, she's 23, and worked as a campaign manager for Eduardo Montealegre the former constitutional party candidate for mayor in Managua.  Because of this she(and her family) was put on a "torture list" by the Sandanistas.   She found out about this but did not flee, instead she fought harder for freedom.  She was beaten with sticks, had mortars launched at her house, and even shot at.  After the sham elections in November she was protesting the results.  On her way back to her friends house she noticed some CPC(Daniel Ortega's Citizens Power Council) talking about her.  They had pictures of her so they knew she was an "enemy".  She overheard one say "Let's kill her". After running they grabbed her and were going to rape and kill her.  She managed to get away when one reached for a walkie-talkie.  She came to the U.S. in December and filled for political asylum.  The day came to meet with an immigration official.  She had one hour to state her case.  She brought pictures, videos, buttons and anything she could think of to prove that she worked with the opposition party to the Sandanistas.  She was told that she did not show enough proof that she was part of the demonstration, or that she was almost raped or killed.  She was given only 16 days to file an appeal.  If ever there was a case of political asylum this is it!  I only hope that someone in the immigration office has a little common sense and see that this woman needs to stay in the U.S.!  If you'd like to help please contact: George Mihalko, director of the Los Angeles Asylum Office at (714) 808-8000 or write to: 1585 South Manchester Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802  

If Obama's aunt can stay here with little proof that she is in any harm, then surely Ms. Martinez should be able to as well.

Ms. Martinez case:

Zeituni Onyango's(Obama's Aunt)case:

UPDATE: Ms. Martinez was just granted asylum.  Although she was terrified of being deported she is quoted as saying:
"Let me say this clearly: I never wished to abuse the U.S. visa process, and I never once did for a moment. I have never once been to the U.S. illegally," and also "I thank you for making this country the last best hope. And thank you, America, for taking this stranger into your beautiful home."

The office of immigration in Los Angeles was overwhelmed with calls urging them to grant asylum for Ms. Martinez.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Something fun for Saturday

So I know its been a rough week, actually a rough couple of months.  I decided that I should put up something a little lighter today.  Enjoy!

Friday, April 3, 2009

France loves Obama...whoop-tee-do!

Barrack Obama is currently on his 09' European tour(t-shirts will be available at all concession stands) and so far isn't acting like much of a President.  He has given the Queen of England an Ipod(which surprisingly she already has one) filled with Broadway show tunes and his speeches.  He has bowed to the Saudi king(breaking protocol) as the King extended his hand.  And now he had a town hall meeting in France! Apparently we really want Europe to love us!  He wants to "listen" to Europe to see what they have to say.  So at the town meeting, after giving a 25 minute speech(via teleprompter) he took questions....5 to be exact.  Of the five, two Americans, two Germans, and a Hungarian.  Not one French person!  However these questions were very topical and provocative.  Among the question were: "Is the family dog in the white house", "Do you regret running for President", and "Did you know your name in Hungarian means peach".  Riveting stuff for sure, and definitely not shills.  
The more important thing here is that our President in the midst of what he calls "the worst economy of our times" is out vacationing in Europe!  How is this different than the CEO's that go to Vegas after asking for bailout money?  As for his listening tour, why does he want to listen to Europe on anything?  They didn't, and can't vote for you!  Why not listen to the Americans who are shouting(not just saying) "YOU CAN'T SPEND YOUR WAY OUT OF DEBT!" or "SOCIALIZING HEALTH CARE WILL NOT CREATE JOBS"
And on a final note would someone teach Obama how to give a gift!  He's given a DVD collection to Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is not a film buff(not to mention it was region 1 when Europe is region 2), and an Ipod to the Queen.  You give a gift based on what the other person likes, not on what you like or think they should like.  This lesson could also be applied to running the country!