Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What you should know about public option.

I need to rant, cause I'm getting a little ticked off that a public option is still being debated. According to Rasmussen poll(10/19/09) 54% of Americans oppose a public option. That's more people than voted for Obama! The results keep going up, from 52%. The Dems tactic of hoping the American public will get bored and forget about it isn't working.
For the sake of this argument I will forgo the usual. I won't harp on the fact we'll be spending more money we don't have. I won't talk about how it will put citizen in front of a comparative effectiveness research panels(or in layman's terms death panels). I won't even talk about how it will overload the system, because we don't have enough doctors(or people wanting to become doctors). What I want to talk about is something many people don't realize. That is the government will be deciding on what is good for you.
They are already toying with an idea to tax the 1/3 of Americans that are obese. It won't stop there. They will also tax the 25% of Americans that smoke. Most alarming of all they will tax any American that owns a gun. All of this is because its bad for you to be overweight, smoke, and own a gun. God help the man that does all three! Now with anything the government touches it won't stop there. Soon you will be taxed if you own a car(carbon emissions), motorcycle(their death traps don't you know), eat bacon(artery clogger), or drink beer(kills your liver). This will be a great money maker for D.C. Just think of the possibilities. Plus the added benefit of dividing the nation more. The Department of Health can get a bigger budget by finding more things that are bad for us. On the other side food companies can lobby D.C. with big bucks to make sure that their product doesn't end up in THE BOOK OF THE DAMNED. D.C. will feel they need to do this, because we're too stupid to know whats good for us.
Like everything Democrats do its filled with hypocrisy. They are the party of pro-choice, but only if its their choice. All of this for the greater good!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

No its not the onion news, its reality

Yesterday when I woke up to the news Obama won the Nobel peace prize I thought "What?!" then thought "How long was I asleep?!" I couldn't believe a man who hasn't accomplished anything other than divide a nation could win a prestigious prize. Then as I looked up past winners I realized how ridiculous the prize is. Yes they gave medals to Martin Luther King Jr., Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Lech Walesa and Mother Teresa. All of these people are deserving of this as they actually worked for peace their whole life. However lets look at others that won it: Arafat, for his middle east peace effort...huh?, Gorbachev, for ending the cold war(take that Reagan!), Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter(both make Jews squeamish)and of course Al Gore(for inventing global warming). Looks like he's in good company.
I think I should have won. I've done about the same as Obama in the efforts towards world peace. Plus I've never met a terrorist(Ayers) or a communist(just about everyone else he knows). This alone should have vaulted me past Obama!
So kudos to you Nobel prize committee for giving a ego maniac an award for something he hasn't done. Maybe next week you can give a match and a gas can to an arsonist and go for the hat trick!

BREAKING NEWS: Obama's acceptance speech has been awarded the Nobel prize in literature!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Obama care will overload the system

This past weekend I saw two great examples of the problem when the government messes with things they don't understand. I was at my local watering hole and one of the regulars and his wife was nursing a beer. I struck up a conversation and he told me he just got back from WV. Why? Because he had to go to the VA. So I asked him why would he drive 2 hours away to the VA when there's one the next town over. He informed me that he needed to get a test. The results are sent to the one in WV, read, interpreted and then shipped back to our local VA. Then read, make sure its interpreted right call and ask you to make an appointment for them to tell you the results. So he decided to cut out the middle man and drive 2 hours so he wouldn't be worrying for 2 weeks while waiting. He also informed me that before doing this they had lost his tests in the mail already. I'm sure that kind of bureaucratic stupidity won't happen with Obamacare.

The second one is about Pennsylvania's version of Obamacare, Adult Chip basic. Its purpose is to give the poor folks that can't afford health care, or lost health care coverage. I mosied over to their website to see how it rated vs my health insurance. The website informed me about how great it is, and it already has covered 90k Pennsylvanians. I went through the quiz to see if I was eligible and at the end I was told yes I could get it. However they've can't cover me or anyone else because they didn't figure that a lot of people would want cheap health care. In other words they don't have enough money for everyone. So if we get Obamacare what makes people think the same thing won't happen to it? I'm sure Pa isn't the only state that has the same problem. So if the states drop it to save money and all those people rush into Obamacare it will short circuit the system! But I guess whiz-kids in DC already thought of this and have planned for it. Probably has something to do with running the money presses again.