Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Obama's heart is as cold as Fairbanks

First a little history, in case you went to public school. Back in June of 1942 the Japanese attacked the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. Alaska had no national guard, it was called up and moved to Washington state in August 1941. So the 34,000 miles of coastline would be defended by a volunteer group of men(and women). Their ages ranged from 12-80. Even the territorial governor was a member. They were trappers, prospectors, and hunters. Their backgrounds were Aleuts, Yupik, and European Americans. They were all patriots. They were invaluable to the military as the majority of troops were unprepared for Alaska's brutal terrain and climate. They served as scouts, special forces and also helped forage for food for the troops. One year after the Japanese took over two of the islands the military was able to retake the islands.
The veterans of America's forgotten battle never asked for kudos. Most went back to their small villages after the war. Some went on to join the Alaskan guard. Some helped bring Alaska to statehood. In 2000 Senator Ted Stevens' bill passed granting full veteran status to all members of Alaska's territorial guard. Of the 20,000 that protected Alaska, only 300 are still alive today. Of the 300, 26 have the required 20 years of military service to qualify for retirement benefits, that is until Obama got into office. He had the Army stop payment to these 26 and throw out the other 37 applications. He did stop short of asking for the money back they already received. Mighty nice of them. Alaska's senators(one a Rep, the other a Dem) wanted to fix this with the current defense bill. The white house has sent a message saying it disproved of including pensions for these heroes.
"its not appropriate to establish a precedent of treating service performed by a state employee as active duty for purposes of the computation of retired pay."
Apparently fighting for your country is "state service", nothing more. They are no more important than a DOT worker! Once again Obama has proven he holds the military in contempt. Please contact your senator and tell them to vote against Obama's hatred for WWII veterans. Or better yet call Obama and ask him why he wants to eliminate the pensions for brave veterans of Alaska's Territorial Guard.

White house phone number:(202) 456-1414

*Update* The senate passed the defense bill yesterday, and kept the provision to pay the Alaskan vets. We'll see if Obama will use a line item veto on this.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Attention Mainstreet Media

There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth, and shame the devil*

For all you journalist I want you to think back. Way back when you got out of college and wanted to do hard hitting journalism. Remember how you had a distrust for the government? Remember how you were gonna save the world by reporting the fraud? What happened? In the last couple weeks a radio talk show host, and two 20 something amateurs exposed corruption, while you mentioned nothing about this. Last Saturday over a million people marched on Washington to protest our expanding government, and you either buried it, or blatantly lied about how many and why people were there. The fact that a newspaper from the U.K. was the only one reporting actual numbers and the reasons, should make you hide your head in shame. You have become the same elitists that you wanted to bring down. These are the reasons that you are becoming bankrupt. However you can change this, and I hope you will. You have the power to shut down talk radio, Fox news, and bloggers by doing one simple thing...your job! I would never have started a blog if I thought my views were being told elsewhere. That goes with all your advisories. To be honest I'd much rather watch one of the big three news networks than spending time writing a blog, but I can't. When you spend months reporting about Micheal Jackson's death, and how weird he was, you do a disservice to your trade. We all new he was weird, my God he took a monkey to the grammys! If you followed politicians(on both sides) as much as you follow Hollywood stars we'd never have a dishonest public servant! You are the voice of the people, all people, not just one side. So I am asking every Democrat that is a journalist, clean up your side of the aisle. Every Republican clean up your side of the aisle. Independent go after both sides. Question every bill, every earmark, every appointment to any office, follow the money wherever it leads. You do this and you'll see your viewership/subscriptions skyrocket.

*Walter Lippmann

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

Today marks the first national service day. Obama made 9/11 a day of service because I guess he didn't think Patriot Day or a day of remembrance was enough. In my opinion not remembering 9/11/01 is the BIGGEST disservice this country can do to itself. So for service day I'm going to write about my personal story of 9/11.

The day started out like any other day. I drove my wife to work, and was on my way to the bank to deposit the left over money from our vacation. I was listening to Howard Stern as I pulled up to the bank. He was reporting that a plane hit the world trade center. I figured it was a small Cessna type plane, as I went into the bank. By the time I got to the teller I found out the truth. The AM station in the bank suddenly broke into a live ABC radio report. It reported that a commercial airline crashed into the north tower. When I got back in the car, I did something I never did before, I changed the radio to AM. I have never changed back. At the time I worked for my dad at his gas station. I remembering walking into the station, and asking my dad if he heard that a plane crashed into the world trade center. He thought I was messing with him. So I turned on the radio and a minute later we heard about another crash into the south tower. The guy that worked for us said "you think this has something to do with Y2K?" and my dad said "its terrorism, not Y2K!". That day was hard, having to wait on customers and trying to listen to the radio at the same time. We told every customer that didn't know about it. It was easy to see who knew and who didn't, the ones that didn't know were still smiling. Somewhere around 9:45am we heard that a plane had crashed into the pentagon(actually first reports said an explosion). We were talking about some of our customers that commute to D.C. every day, and hoped that they were alright. Suddenly live on the radio we heard the south tower collapse. You could have heard a pin drop. My dad turned to me and said "you know how you always wondered how I felt when Kennedy was shot, its just like this" I can't describe how I felt. I was angry, sad, scared all rolled into one. Its a feeling that I hope my son will never have to feel. A little after ten I remember a Marine came in frantic. He was on his honeymoon and was called back to his post at Camp David. After he left another customer came in to tell us he heard there was another plane hijacked and headed our way. He thought they were aiming for either Camp David or the Gettysburg National Military Park. After he left my father said to me "Today you will learn how dumb people can be when they are scared". The phone rings, its my wife, a travel agent. She told me that its like a ghost town in her office with the exception of one person that came in around 9:30 for airline tickets. They had no idea what was going on around them. She also told me her mom wanted her to go home for the day, for fear a plane could crash into her office. I reassured my wife that no plane would crash into a strip mall in a small town in Pennsylvania, they have bigger plans in mind. I get off the phone with her and hear about the north tower collapsing. Not long after that we learned about flight 93. I walked outside to have a smoke and try and relax. As I was standing there I realized there was no sound. Hardly any cars were driving by the interstate next to us, but more importantly there was no noise from any plane above. Our location is on the outer most circle of flight plans going into BWI. It was eerily quiet. Through out the morning the news would tells us unverified news about explosions in DC, another plane being hijacked heading for DC, more proof that my dad was right. Later that afternoon a truck load of local firefighters came in for gas. They were heading for NYC in the hopes they could help. They didn't know anyone that was in either world trade center. They felt it was their duty to try and see if they could help rescue anyone that might be alive in the rubble. These wouldn't be the only firefighters we would see that day. The National Firefighter Academy is in Emmitsburg, MD about 10 miles away. We saw over a dozen cars and trucks filled with firefighters heading to NYC, some of their colleagues were heading to DC to help with the Pentagon. The rest of the day we stood by the radio hoping that we wouldn't hear about more planes being used as missiles. I got a phone call from my other job(I worked part-time on the local radio station). My boss told me that I wouldn't have to come to work tonight, they decided to just simulcast CNN news instead of other programming. Days later I would find out that the news anchor I was friends with owned part of the property in Shanksville that flight 93 crashed on. I called my wife to tell her I didn't have to work that night and I was going to pick her up after she got off. The ride home was completely silent. We just listened to the radio all the way home. When we got home we turned on the TV, and after seeing the famous scenes of the carnage, and how people chose to jump out of windows instead of burning to death, it sunk in even more. We never ate dinner that night, as we just stared at the TV and tried to reason why someone would do this.
Until 9/11 I thought that the space shuttle explosion was the worst thing I would have witnessed. After 9/11, I hope that nothing will surpass it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama lied not Rep. Wilson!

Last night Rep. Joe Wilson spoke for most of us that have read the health care bill when he yelled "YOU LIE"! I wasn't surprised when all the news wanted to talk about was how terrible it was that a congressman would yell at the president. I didn't even bat an eye when they failed to mention the fact that democrats booed President Bush. I am shocked(although I shouldn't be) is that they didn't ask the question "why does he feel this way?" If they did they would look at the ways and means committee that struck down an amendment that Rep. Dean Heller (R-NV) that actually would have used the IEVS(Income and Eligibility Verification System) and SAVE(Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) to make sure the people using Obamacare would 1. need it, and 2. be legally able to!
Lets look at some other lies our President said last night.

1. " Nothing in our plan requires you to change what you have"
This is actually a half-truth. The reason is he used the word "requires". No it doesn't require it, however it puts so many taxes on your employer that they have to decided on profits(and re-investing in their company) or cutting costs and putting you on the public plan. However if you have a high deductible with an HSA plan, this plan would eliminate it! What's more unless you are enrolled in a private health plan before 2013 you CAN'T get private health care!

2. "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to the deficit now or in the future"
The CBO has stated it adds 220 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years. However, this might work out for him. Friday he told congress he needed the deficit ceiling raised to over 12 trillion dollars. I guarantee this is how he can justify not adding to the deficit.

3. "Under our plan no federal money will be used to fund abortion"
Another half truth. All health care bills will mandate all private insurance companies to have abortions covered in their plans. Rep. Johnson(R-TX) and Rep. Canton(R-VA) tried to pass amendments against this. Canton specifically wanted to add an amendment to make sure no taxpayer money went to funding health care. It was defeated.

4. "A claim made not just by radio and cable talk show hosts, but by prominent politicians, that we plan to set up panels of bureaucrats with the power to kill off senior citizens. Now, such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible. It is a lie, plain and simple"
No sir you are lying! H.R. 3200 wants to increase CER(comparative effectiveness research) to determine which treatments are the most cost and/or clinically effective in handling particular cases. Back in 2003 France was in a heat wave. Over 17 thousand people died, because the government could save money by letting doctors go on vacation, instead of saving lives. Just like the evil insurance company it came down to the bottom line.

5. "Requiring insurance companies to cover preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies makes sense, it saves money, and it saves lives."
1/3 of this is a lie. It makes sense and it saves lives, however it does not save money. The reason being not every person needs this preventive care. For instance lets say you check 1 million people. Only 100 have a disease. The check up costs $50. You've just spent 50 million dollars. The treatment costs 50 thousand dollars, that adds up to $500,000. So how can you say this saves money?

The problem with a half-truth is its still a lie!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Great quote

I have a great quote for you today:
"Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren, America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.”
Sounds good right? What staunch conservative said this? Goldwater? No. Regan? No. Perhaps its a Friedman quote? No. Give up its a quote from a plucky young Senator from Illinois in response to Bush raising the deficit ceiling. That's right I'm talking about the big O here, and I don't mean Oprah. Now I know this may come as a shock that he's done an about face and now wants to raise the deficit ceiling yet again! I'm sure this has nothing to do with the fact he has stated time and time again that his "hellcare" won't raise the deficit. Of course not, you're moving it so it won't!
I plan on being in Washington D.C. on 9/12, and I think I'll use Obama's quote on my picket sign!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Comrade Obama

More proof that our President is a communist. According to china daily website ( our President, and his administration, will allow the Chinese flag to be flown at the White house on Sept. 20th! celebrate 60 years of the People's Republic of China. Chen Ronghua, chairman of Fujian Association of America told reporters that:
"their application was approved not only because of sound Sino-American relations, but also China is a responsible country"
Responsible? Ask those students in Tienanmen square, a Christian, Muslim or Tibetan or Taiwanese people how responsible they are!

Maybe this is Obama's way of thanking China for allowing a joint venture with GM(now Government Motors) and China's FAW auto group.* You see while GM is closing plant here, they're bolstering China's economy. Maybe its a thanks for buying GM's hummer line**. Obama and his "greenies" could never allow his company to build an anti-eco monstrosity, however allowing China to do so is ok to them. Maybe its a thank you for staying communist for so long, proving to Obama(and his administration) communism can work! Or maybe its a way to thank them for giving our government more money to print worthless paper. If anything the Chinese should be thanking us, for showing them how they can defeat capitalism(something the Soviet Union couldn't do). Lenin once said "the capitalist will sell us the very rope to hang them with". It looks like comrade Lenin misspoke. In fact we'll buy the rope from the communist and vote in a comrade to hang us all with it!
I know how can I say that our President is a communist? That's crazy talk! Let's look at the facts; his mother was a communist sympathizer(a fellow traveler), his mentor Frank Marshall Davis a communist, his community organization in Chicago was molded from Saul Alinsky's(communist sympathizer) book, he was hand picked by outgoing incumbent Alice Palmer(executive of the US peace council, the US affiliate of the world peace council a communist front group funded by USSR), and backed by weather underground terrorists and communists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. He has now put a communist in charge of creating green jobs, Van Jones. The real question we should ask Obama is "why'd it take you so long to show your true colors?"