Monday, September 14, 2009

Attention Mainstreet Media

There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth, and shame the devil*

For all you journalist I want you to think back. Way back when you got out of college and wanted to do hard hitting journalism. Remember how you had a distrust for the government? Remember how you were gonna save the world by reporting the fraud? What happened? In the last couple weeks a radio talk show host, and two 20 something amateurs exposed corruption, while you mentioned nothing about this. Last Saturday over a million people marched on Washington to protest our expanding government, and you either buried it, or blatantly lied about how many and why people were there. The fact that a newspaper from the U.K. was the only one reporting actual numbers and the reasons, should make you hide your head in shame. You have become the same elitists that you wanted to bring down. These are the reasons that you are becoming bankrupt. However you can change this, and I hope you will. You have the power to shut down talk radio, Fox news, and bloggers by doing one simple thing...your job! I would never have started a blog if I thought my views were being told elsewhere. That goes with all your advisories. To be honest I'd much rather watch one of the big three news networks than spending time writing a blog, but I can't. When you spend months reporting about Micheal Jackson's death, and how weird he was, you do a disservice to your trade. We all new he was weird, my God he took a monkey to the grammys! If you followed politicians(on both sides) as much as you follow Hollywood stars we'd never have a dishonest public servant! You are the voice of the people, all people, not just one side. So I am asking every Democrat that is a journalist, clean up your side of the aisle. Every Republican clean up your side of the aisle. Independent go after both sides. Question every bill, every earmark, every appointment to any office, follow the money wherever it leads. You do this and you'll see your viewership/subscriptions skyrocket.

*Walter Lippmann

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