More proof that our President is a communist. According to china daily website (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2009-07/13/content_8422505.htm) our President, and his administration, will allow the Chinese flag to be flown at the White house on Sept. 20th! Why....to celebrate 60 years of the People's Republic of China. Chen Ronghua, chairman of Fujian Association of America told reporters that:
"their application was approved not only because of sound Sino-American relations, but also China is a responsible country"Responsible? Ask those students in Tienanmen square, a Christian, Muslim or Tibetan or Taiwanese people how responsible they are!
Maybe this is Obama's way of thanking China for allowing a joint venture with GM(now Government Motors) and China's FAW auto group.* You see while GM is closing plant here, they're bolstering China's economy. Maybe its a thanks for buying GM's hummer line**. Obama and his "greenies" could never allow his company to build an anti-eco monstrosity, however allowing China to do so is ok to them. Maybe its a thank you for staying communist for so long, proving to Obama(and his administration) communism can work! Or maybe its a way to thank them for giving our government more money to print worthless paper. If anything the Chinese should be thanking us, for showing them how they can defeat capitalism(something the Soviet Union couldn't do). Lenin once said "the capitalist will sell us the very rope to hang them with". It looks like comrade Lenin misspoke. In fact we'll buy the rope from the communist and vote in a comrade to hang us all with it!
I know how can I say that our President is a communist? That's crazy talk! Let's look at the facts; his mother was a communist sympathizer(a fellow traveler), his mentor Frank Marshall Davis a communist, his community organization in Chicago was molded from Saul Alinsky's(communist sympathizer) book, he was hand picked by outgoing incumbent Alice Palmer(executive of the US peace council, the US affiliate of the world peace council a communist front group funded by USSR), and backed by weather underground terrorists and communists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. He has now put a communist in charge of creating green jobs, Van Jones. The real question we should ask Obama is "why'd it take you so long to show your true colors?"
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